“APPLIED” ONTOLOGY – “How the cat taught me to take responsibility!”

I want to share with you a wonderful experience, which showed me how important it is to apply Ontological Education in my life:
One evening, I brought home a bag of jars of pickles prepared by my mother. When I entered the kitchen, something in me told me to put the bag in the pantry, because there was a risk that my curious cat would overturn the bag. Of course, I didn’t listen to my intuition and left it on the table.
The next day, while sitting and reading with my son (10 years old), I heard a loud noise in the kitchen. I realized what had happened and we both ran there.
The cat jumped out of the shards on a chair and began to clean its paws with vinegar. As I approached her to see if she was hurt, I heard my son,
“Mommy! Please don’t beat her! ”
I turned to him and said,
“Of course I won’t beat her, she is not to blame!
It’s my fault! I knew this could happen and I was too lazy to put the bag in the pantry! ”
We began to gather the shards when I heard my son saying:
“Mom, if you hadn’t watched those shows and read those things (Connie’s materials and her book) what would you have done to the cat?”
Then I understood his perplexity and I answered him:
“You’re right, if I didn’t know what I know now, I would have made the cat a poster on the door”…
Indeed, Ontological Education changes your life!
And not just my life, but everyone around me!
Cristina on Applied Ontology and Connie Larkin
Thank you Connie for helping me learn to discern what I’m living in my life!
With love,